ITINERANTE aims to provide street food vendors with the necessary tools to work efficiently, hygienically, and safely. Additionally, it offers services to help them with license regulations, social security, and the protection of their fixed assets. The goal is to enhance the street food experience for both the vendors and their customers


In Mexico, 6 out of 10 workers work in the informal sector. Informal workers need to work efficiently, hygienically, and safely at work to increase their sales.

ITINERANTE aims to provide the necessary tools to street sellers of food so they can do their work efficiently,hygienically, and safely.

In addition to lending them services for the regulation of licenses, social security, and protection of their fixed assets. To improve the street food experience for the seller and the costumer.

“To design accessories for a tricycle and develop a business model for peddlers that gives them security when selling and offers a better customer experience”

